Welcome to Hearing Electronics


We focus on bespoke earplugs and in-ear communications devices. We manufacture, supply and repair a complete range of digital hearing instruments, hearing protection products and other in-ear devices. This not only allows us to offer you the latest technology as soon as it is available, but also ensures we can deliver better quality products and services than any other hearing company.

Broadcast Earpieces

Top Broadcasters Around The World Use Hearing Electronics

Shooting Earpieces

Shooting Earpieces
Protect Your Hearing From Permanent Damage

Motorsport Earpieces

For The Winning Edge In Motorsport  Communication 

Leisure Earpieces

The Ultimate Superior



Aviation Earpieces

​Specially Designed For Aircraft


Helicopter Pilot

Hearcentres Limited

Hearcentres Limited
​Our team of qualified hearing aid audiologists can carry out audiometric testing and a complete hearing care service.